01242 588 560
We transfer any video format to USB or DVD.
Our DVDs are for playback on DVD Players and Computers with DVD drives.
Our USBs can be used with the latest Smart TVs and computers, directly from the USB port. The files can be edited and uploaded to cloud storage.
Video and Camcorder Tape to Download & USB
The format we supply is MPEG4, delivered on a Ditigtal Download Link or USB drive. MPEG4 files can be used for: Storage, Editing and Viewing on a Smart TV, Computer and Laptop.
First Hour of the order - £25.00 Additional hours - £20.00 per hour
Additional copies - £15.00 per USB
Video and Camcorder Tape to DVD
The Video DVDs we create are for playback on DVD-R compatible players. Your Video DVD's will contain regular chapter points throughout.
First Hour of the order - £22.00 Additional hours - £8.00 per hour
Additional copies - £6.00 per disc
For transfers between the USA and the UK formats, add £15.00 to your order.
When more than one tape is transferred to a single disc, a charge of £6.00 is made for each join. For projects needed in order, the cassettes, not cases, must be individually numbered (not dated).